July 7, 2024

Japan stocks record, Singapore retail sales

On February 15, 2024, commuters to labor mix a pedestrian crossing in Tokyo.

Kazuhiro Nogi | AFP | Getty Images

Asia-Pacific markets were primarily away, with Japan’s key benchmark setting new highs on Friday following record-setting highs in the previous session.

Japan’s Nikkei 225continued its document- breaking work, climbing 0. 46 % in first trade. Topix, a broad-based company, also increased its benefits and increased by 0. 06 percent to a new record high.

Surprisingly, household spending in Japan for May dropped by 1. 8 % in real terms compared to the same period last year. News polled economists who predicted a 0. 1 % increase.

The Bank of Ɉapan uses family saving data to determine its goαl of creating a “virtuous cycle” of rising wages and prices.

Average spending per household in May was 290, 328 yen ($ 1, 799. 28 ), while average monthly income stood at 500, 231 yen, up 6. 4 % in nominal terms and 3 % higher in real terms from the previous year.

After today, buyers will be evaluating retail sales data from Singapore.

South Korea’s Kospi

was 0. 45 % higher, and the small- cap Kosdaq rose 0. 25 %.

Australia’s S&amp, P/ASX 200 dipped 0. 14 %.

Hong Kong Hang Seng scoreprospects were at 18, 004, lower than the HSI’s next shut of 18, 028. 28.

Overnight in the U. Ș. , markets were closed for the Independence Day holiday, but future were much changed ahead of Friday’s trading period.

Nasdaq 100 futures were down 0.1%, while S&P 500 futures were trading marginally below the flatline. Dow Jones Industrial Averageprospects were 0. 05 % off.

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