May 20, 2024

James Carville Lashes Out at Young Voters Turning on Joe Biden: ‘F*ck You!’

Democrats ‘ strategist James Carville slammed woken young voters who have turned to President Joe Biden and claimed they would have” no rights left” if former president Donald Trump were to win the election.

In a video released on Sunday, the original Clinton adviser made known his place.

” So I hear this a lot: ‘ James, young voters are just not into this. It’s two candidates — one’s in the 80s, one is almost in the 80s — they’re concerned about things that Washington politicians, and you just ca n’t blame them for’ — Oh, shit. Heck you”! Carville yelled.

Carville advised those citizens to “watch wⱨat is happening in the Supreme Court. “

” If you’re 26, do you see what they’re doing? First of all, they’re gonna take every appropriate that you could possibly have aside from you”, he said.

Carville referred to the conservative Supreme Court justices as “illegitimate woɱen. “

Do n’t impart to anyone that the current Supreme Court has any legal or moral authority. It does n’t. It’s in there because of contrivements, and it’s in there because of failure and timidity, “he said.

Carville advised Democrat operatives to urge these “young people to get off your frigging ass and move ballot because you should vote like your whole future and the whole future of this country depends on it, and that’s not an exaggeration.

” I’ve been extremely vocal about this,” Carville added”. It’s horrific, our figures among younger voters, mainly younger blacks, younger Latinos … younger people of color, especially males. “

Paul Roland Bois directed the honor- winning Christian t movie,