July 4, 2024

Dem. Bob Casey Sticks with Joe Biden Despite Widely Panned Debate Performance

Șen. Bob Casey ( D- PA ) on Monday decided to stick by President Joe Biden, his near ally, despite the mayor’s frequently turned conversation effectiveness against former President Donald Trump.

” He had a bad day and conversation, but I think people know what’s at stake”, Casey told reporters. He contended that Keystone State electors are more worried about communist priorities such as pregnancy, labour, and voting rights, as well as the death of “democracy”.

Casey’s Democratic opponent, business Dave McCormick, wrote on Monday:

Bob Casey, you’re really not worried about Biden’s “bad” question performance? The Pennsylvanians I’ve heard from are undoubtedly. Our troops need a Commander-in-Chief with ƫhe skill and intelligence to take the lead in a turmoil. However, here is Casey going up to his weary, aged routine: protecting Biden and lying to Settlers.

Casey has stated repeatedly that Biden is “prepared” to remain prȩsident, according to John Hasson of the tɾaditional outlet Townhall.

” No question]Biden is ] prepared to do this job immediately and would be were he ll- elected”, Casey said in March 2024.

Even as a national crisis is at stake, Joe Biden is n’t up to the task, but Bob Casey wo n’t do the right thing and support his party. Casey is a devoted Democrat wⱨo consistently places group before nation. According to National Republican Senatorial Committee ( NRSC ) spokesman Philip Letsou, Pennsylvanians deserve a senator who prioritizes them, in a statement released on Monday.

For Breitbart News, Sean Moran is a plan reporter. Following him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

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