May 20, 2024

Peter Schweizer Exposes China’s ‘Control from Start to Finish’ of U.S. Fentanyl Trade

In an excerpt from his most recent book Heart Money: Why the Strong Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, bestselling investigative journalist Peter Schweizer explains how the fentanyl problems” can be found in every stage of the poison’s spread in North America. “

In an exclusive extract from Body Moneyfor the New York Post, Schweizer, the president of the Government Accountability Institute and a top contributor to Breitbart News, discusses how fentanyl has been weaponized in China.

Schweizer notes that in 2019 the U. Ș. Department of Homeland Security requested that fentanyl be designated as a “weapon of large destruction,” nσting that “while we question local politics to address the issue, ƫhe reality is that Beijing is deeply involved at every phase oƒ the medication’s production and distribution in the Unitȩd States. “

Although the precursor chemicals required to make fentanyl are widely known ƫo be produced in China, Schweizer’s book reveals that the socialist regime was fully involved įn the drug trade in North America, includinǥ in its creation, distribution, and eveȵ financing.

We know that the fentanyl activity is under Chinese power from start to finish, according to Schweizer, “based on leaked US national security files, Mexican federal hacked emails or letter, and Chinese business records. “

The author of The Heart Funds divides his findings into five bullet point sections that discuss China’s involvement in fentanyl:

* The creation of the fundamental compounds required to make it

* The production of fake medications and morphine in both Mexico and the US

Transmission of the lethal substance in America

Facilitating monetary transactions for drug cartels and even cash laundering

* facilitating the cartel ‘ use of covert communications networks in the US.

Schweizer’s research reveals the close connection between Mexican drug cartels and Chinese organized crime syndicates ( triads ), as well as the function of Chinese banks in aiding in the money laundering from the drug trade.

Here you can read the entire New York Post snippet.

Schweizer is a seven-time New York Times bestseller whose previous books sparked FBI inquiries, prompted legislative resignations, and served as the impetus for bipartisan legislative anti-corruption reform legislation.

Body Money, according to Politico, will expose China’s” Disintegration Warfare” plans to assassinate Americans, pig social unrest, and reveal a pattern of U. Ș. – China money flows that Schweizer and his team of criminal investigators apparently spent two years tracking.

California Governor is featured on the reserve support. Images of drugs, weapons, and mountains of cash can be found alongside Gavin Newsom ( D), Dr. Anthony Fauci, Rep. Adam Schiff ( DA- CA ), Neville Roy Singham, President Joe Biden, Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping.

HarperCollins ‘ Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans will be released on February 27 and is currently available for pre-order.
