May 18, 2024

Pointing Out Dems Refused to Certify Elections Is Weak ‘Whataboutism’

The” Real Time” host Bill Maher responded to Kellyanne Conway, a former senior adviser to Trump who has voted against certifying that Republicans have won presidential elections by hosting an” Overtime” segment of the HBO show” Real Time. “

Maher said,” The biggest fact in the last three elections, and in how many — in the future, I do n’t know, is that one guy does not concede when he loses. When he concedes, he never concedes. The essence of American society lies in this. You never persuade me that that is not the truth, and that is not something else.

He added,” Be a gentleman, tell him to be a gentleman. That’s what people do. Always observe a football game’s conclusion? They fought like hell, and the coaches, they walk across the industry and they shake hands. They do n’t want to do it. It hurts like hell, and they do it. He’s the first guy who just wo n’t do it”.

Conway responded,” It’s an extremely important concept for the numerous Democratic members of Congress who have never voted to confirm a Republican candidate’s presidential election in this millennium. Many of them are still there because they’re in secure seats long. ” They did n’t do it for Bush, Bush, Trump –”.

Maher then cut in to say,” That’s the weakest whataboutism I’ve ever heard”.

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